A little about me
I began cycling after I found out that my total cholesterol and A1c level was high and that I was considered prediabetic. I’m a biomedical engineer by trade so I wanted to get to the source of my issues instead of masking it with superficial remedies. I have a vision of helping people in their total health through self-monitoring devices, diet and fitness so I became my own test subject and it became imperative that I figure this out. After consistent cycling coupled with a healthy diet, I’m happy to report that my cholesterol levels are normal. I’d like to help others who are at the onset of prediabetes so that they don’t enter a stage where diabetes becomes a lifelong struggle.

Changing my lifestyle
I’ve always considered myself fairly active, yet I was overweight & I continuously received a bad report card on my doctors visits. High blood pressure, bad cholesterol, overweight & so forth.
What I came to terms with was that active doesn’t mean healthy. Random exercise was not fueling my health.
It wasn’t until I heard a sermon titled ‘Food Drunk” that totally changed my mindset. It wasn’t just that I needed to eat healthier & exercise a little more, it was about changing my lifestyle. If my faith in God called me to surrender everything to Him (Mark 12:30), why hadn’t I been a good steward with my health & body. So, if the body is the temple of the Lord (I Cor 3:16), then I was determined to give Him the best residence possible!
I started eating healthy & exercising This was not just a diet for a temporary fix but a total change in what I consumed. Sugars, high carbs were out & vegetables & fruits were in. I lost weight & felt much better. My concentration level improved. Doctor visits were much better because my blood work was perfect. My random exercise became scheduled workouts. I developed a love for running & participated in marathons, half marathons that I never thought I could do.
This change in lifestyle also led me to become a personal trainer & indoor cycling instructor. My desire is to help others who want to make a change in their lifestyle to become as healthy as possible & to feel good about themselves.
Over time, my go to cardio became cycling! I love it!!! It has so many benefits from burning calories to increasing stamina. Thanks to Joseph at HeartsBio, I now own a carbon fiber road bike that is awesome! I rode it in a century a couple of weeks ago & it was perfect.
If you’re on a journey to get healthy, be encouraged! It is a journey but it’s one that you will love because the reward is a better life!!!
Anything is possible…Mark 10:27.
Be blessed!
Mike Hunter
La Vergne, Tn.

My weight loss story
Since my retirement I have learned that procrastinating is actually an easy skill to learn:
I have been very heavy for about 20 years, peaking at 250 pounds, and at 5’9 it was not very good to say the least, other than that I was pretty healthy.However that was not what made me lose the weight that I did.After getting laid off from work due to the pandemic I decided to retire. But after a few months I got really bored so I went for a bike ride. Started slow just around the neighborhood. After a few weeks I noticed that my pants were a bit loose and indeed I lost some weight. It was fun so I started to ride for a bit longer and in no time at all I was doing like 10 miles a day and the pounds started to melt away.I got down to as low as 155 pounds but I have since leveled off at 160 pounds and I’m proud to say that I ride 20 miles most every day,I did not set out to lose weight so it was done all organically. I did not follow any diet or plan. I just biked and ate a little less and a little better.Of all the positives like actually getting up off the floor, sleeping better etc.. The most amazing thing is my energy level. I actually have the energy as I did in my 20’s. Sadly my body does not respond like I’m in my 20’s but you cannot have everything!As I wrote I’m really proud of doing what I did and your amazing bike will allow me to continue what success I’ve had. Thanks,
Mitch T. from Arizona

A mood buster
Buying this bike definitely changed my life for the better. It’s such a mood booster for me. I’m not a very outgoing person so riding is like therapy for me. I ride for hours and it helps me reset my mind while also getting in a work out. If I have any issues I know I can always ride my bike to clear my mind and feel better.
Cesar V. from New York

Fill my heart with gladness
Everyday decision-making becomes more crucial than ever before. The only way I know to keep my sanity and optimal brain health are to get outside, get happy and get on cycling to clear my mind and fill my heart with gladness. “Philippians 4:13” we can still live the best life if we live for God. Redeem the time. Create a healthy lifestyle, cherish a good friendship or relationship and do everything to keep them, surrounds yourself with people of positive influence.
Kathlyn V. from Washington

Stronger physically and mentally
Before I started cycling, I was overweight and I felt ashamed of it. So, I was determined to change that by exercising and watching out on what I eat everyday. Then, my search for the best exercise for weight loss begins. After some research and having my mind set on a specific exercise which is cycling, I began to look for a bicycle on Amazon and found and bought a HeartsBio Model H carbon fiber road bike. Right after I received the bicycle, I assembled it and went out for a ride right away. Since then, my health has slowly changed during the year, and I was able to get my weight back into a normal health range for my height. My weight went from 185 pounds to 155 pounds in just 6 months. Cycling is something that I have integrated into my life when I have time. I always go for an enjoyable ride and forget everything that is happening around me. A ride can change everything even when I feel frustrated or I have too many things in my mind. Not only that, I was able to learn new things about bicycles and meet new people. Through meeting new people, I got to meet more new people and we were able to connect with each other with group rides. In group rides, we are able to talk about things that happen in our life and talk about the sport. Since then, cycling has become a really big part of my life. I ride my bike every chance I get, therefore, I became stronger physically and mentally.
John W. from California
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